Floods in the North of England and Scotland

We have donated to the Rotary Flood appeals to help with the devastation experienced recently by thousands of people.

Cumbria and Lancashire Flood Appeal

Cumbria and Lancashire Flood AppealThe news headlines recently have been dominated by the flooding in the north of England following Storm Desmond, with areas of Cumbria, in Rotary District 1190, particularly badly affected.

If individuals, clubs or districts wish to make donations which will assist with flood relief and restoration you can do so through the following means:

Cheques payable to: RIBI District 1190

Electronic payment: HSBC
Sort code: 40-37-25
Account No: 34031377

In the Carlisle area, the Rotary Clubs of Brampton & Longtown, Carlisle, Carlisle South & Carlisle Castle as well as Appleby, Cockermouth and Keswick in North Cumbria have all played an active role in helping the flood relief effort.

For example, the Rotary Club of Carlisle South who are providing residents who have been impacted with donated clothes, food and baby supplies at a local emergency centre, as pictured above.


Published: 10th December 2015

Photograph: Rotary Club of Carlisle South

If you would like to donate to the Rotary Flood Appeal, please email through the contact page and we will respond with details of how to pay

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